Who we are

Coldunell Finance is a bridging finance provider, located in Esher, Surrey. We specialise in lending to real estate investors and developers across London and the South East of England. We have expertise in both commercial and residential property. Our website address is: https://coldunellfinance.co.uk.

Coldunell finance is committed to protecting your personal information and to being transparent about the information we hold about you. Using personal information allows us to develop a better understanding of our customers and to improve our customer service.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Coldunell Finance may collect certain data from you or your agent or your financial advisor when you visit our website: if you make a request for us to contact you, or if you apply for finance via our online application process, or if you print off the application form and send it to us either electronically or by hard copy. This data may include personal information such as your name, address, date of birth and other information regarding your identity and financial information which is relevant to the application for a loan and our underwriting of the repayment requirements. 

We will store your personal information securely and use it in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 and the Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulation (PECR) 2012. We will only use the data to contact you in relation to your enquiry regarding our services, or to process your application of a loan, or for the preparation of entry into a contract or to maintain a contract for a loan from us.

Other sources of information

Using data that we have collected from you or your agent or financial advisor, we may obtain further data from external sources who maintain data on your credit history such as Credit Reference Agencies and Fraud Prevention Agencies, as well as the Land Registry.

Who we may share your data with

In order to process your loan application we may share your data with external data processors to assist us in providing you with finance. These include: 

Your Rights

Data Protection legislation provides you with express rights which include:

Your rights to object or to request erasure of the data we hold

You may object to Coldunell Finance holding or processing your personal data. Or you may request that we remove this data from our storage. Please note that should you request that this takes place before a loan application is completed, then we will be unable to provide you with funds. If you do complete a loan with Coldunell Finance we will retain your information for the duration of the loan contract under the terms of the contract and will be unable to remove your data during the loan term. 

Your right to correct your data

If you become aware of an error in the data that Coldunell Finance processes or holds, you have a right to have that data corrected. Please contact us to request any data change.

Your right to a copy of your data . 

You have the right to request a copy of the data we hold on you. We are obliged to provide this to you within 30 days of a written request from you. Please contact us to make this request.

Data Retention

Coldunell Finance will retain your data for the term of the loan plus 6 years, when you have drawn down funds from a successful application. If the loan does not complete we will retain your data for a maximum of 3 years from the date of the decision as to whether you or we wish to proceed with the loan. 

Data Storage

All customer data held by Coldunell Finance is stored and controlled within the UK. We will not transfer data to any entity or data storage facility outside of the UK. If in future this does occur due to a change in our data storage processing we will inform you in advance to seek permission for any transfer.


To contact Coldunell Finance about any part of our Privacy Policy please email enquiries@coldunell.com